4 Week Goal Setting Experience, "Living the life of your dreams, your heart's desires" - via Zoom.
Week 1- Visioning, Goal Setting & Tracking. We will start out with a meditation for you to start imagining your dream life and then writing it down, planning a course of action and more.
Week 2- Diving deeper in the Goal Planning Process.
week 3-Final summary and steps for Goal Achievement.
week 4-Create your own Vision Board.
If you are interested in attending the next 4 Week Goal Setting Experience, please contact me. Enter “4 Week Goal Setting Experience” in subject line.
Monthly Goal Setting Class - “Living the life of your dreams, your heart’s desires” - via Zoom
Monthly Goal Setting Class - “Living the life of your dreams, your heart’s desires”- This monthly class will meet each month and reflect back on the previous month and plan for the new month. There is a follow up session too. The purpose is to live/create the life of your dreams by becoming more present/aware of what you want/your heart’s desires and start focusing, planning and taking actions to achieve it. Instead of life happening to you, you take control and the reins of your life. You will visualize your Dream life and write it down and focus and incorporate it into your monthly plans/life too. Where focus goes, energy flows!
Setting goals is one of the most powerful ways to create the life you really want/desire. For our dreams to become reality we need to know them and then focus on them and take action. I believe some people need accountability and support to make those dreams come true. I hope you decide to come along with me on this journey and create and live the life of your dreams, your heart’s desires!
If you are interested in attending the next Monthly Class, please contact me. Enter “Monthly Goal Setting Class” in subject line.
Vision Board Class - “For Year 2024”
Vision Board Class - “For Year 2024”-
If you are interested in attending the next Vision Board Class, please contact me. Enter “Vision Board Class” in subject line.
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes- If you are interested in attending one of my yoga classes, please contact me. Enter “Yoga Classes” in subject line.
Emotional Healing Workshop
and More!