Lana Flotteron’s Podcast
Episode 1 - People Who Inspire Me - Christa Russo
Christa Russo has been my life coach. Christa is an Inspirational Speaker, Lifestyle & Spirituality Coach, International Retreat Leader, Yoga Instructor and Founder of Moon Sister Rising.
Episode 2 - People Who Inspire Me - Linda Principato
Linda Principato was my health coach. Linda is the owner of Whole Health and Wellness. Linda is a Holistic health counselor, Integrative nutrition coach, Reflexologist, Reiki master and Yoga teacher.
Episode 3 - People Who Inspire Me - Karen Torrone
Karen Torrone was one of my first yoga teachers and I have been following her since. Karen is owner and director of 5 Boro Power Yoga, a Baptiste Affiliate Studio, located in Staten Island, NY.
Episode 4 - Expertise in - Being a Yoga Studio Owner and Director- Karen Torrone, 5 Boro Power Yoga
This is my 2nd interview with Karen Torrone, Owner and Director of 5 Boro Power Yoga, a Baptiste Affiliate Studio, to talk specifically about her expertise and experience in being a yoga studio owner and director.
Episode 5 - Expertise in - Being a Holistic Health Counselor and Integrative Nutrition Coach - Linda Principato, Whole Health and Wellness
This is my 2nd interview with Linda Principato, Whole Health and Wellness, to talk specifically about her expertise and experience in being a holistic health counselor and integrative nutrition coach.
Episode 6 - Expertise in - Being a Webmaster, Owning Podcast Studio and Podcasting - Ming Chen, A Shared Universe PodcaStudio
Ming Chen is a webmaster and owner of A Shared Universe PodcaStudio.
Episode 7 - Natural Awakenings Magazine - Sharon Shaffery
Sharon Shaffery is the owner and publisher of Natural Awakenings Magazine- NJ Monmouth and Ocean Counties. I love her magazine, which is specifically for healthy living, and I wanted to learn more about her and her magazine.
Episode 8 - People Who Inspire Me - Patty Newbold
Patty Newbold was my Sher Success Team Leader and led the Barbara Sher Write/Speak Program I was in. Patty is the Director of Sher Success Teams and President of Barbara Sher Online LLC.
Episode 9 - Expertise in - Being an Evangelist - Craig Syracusa
Craig Syracusa is the Owner of God’s Plan Productions and Host of the talk show Walk in Faith and more.
Episode 10 - Expertise in - Being a Matchmaker and Finding Love - Julie Ferman
Julie Ferman, Legendary Matchmaker and Dating Coach is the Owner of Julie Ferman Associates and Host of the Podcast Cupid’s Coach.